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Welcome to small world of Programming

Explore my Python-powered computer vision projects, where I've used libraries like OpenCV and TensorFlow to build applications that 'see' and interpret the world. From an age recognizer that estimates age to a motion detector that identifies movement

Age detection

Powered by the deep learning framework TensorFlow and the computer vision library OpenCV, I have developed an age detection model in Python. This program is designed to estimate a person’s age by leveraging the webcam on your computer. Once activated, the program opens a live feed from the webcam, detects a person’s face in real-time, and estimates their age within a second.

Motion detection

This Python program combines the capabilities of OpenCV's Haar Cascade Classifier with real-time webcam processing to perform face detection and track movement direction. It not only detects faces but also analyzes the motion of the detected face across frames, providing an intuitive demonstration of computer vision and basic movement analysis.

Language Translator

This Python program is a Language Translator built using the Tkinter GUI library and the Google Translator API from the googletrans module. The application provides an intuitive interface for users to input text, select a target language, and view the translated output.

PacMan Game

I made Pac-Man-inspired game using Python's turtle and freegames libraries. The game features a grid-based map with walls and dots, controlled by the tiles list. Pac-Man moves using arrow keys, and the goal is to eat all the dots while avoiding ghosts. Ghosts have basic AI: they chase Pac-Man when nearby or move randomly if blocked.

Snake Game

Built using Python's turtle module, with added obstacles for extra challenges, I made Snake game. The game features a snake that grows when eating food and avoids both screen borders and randomly placed "tree" obstacles. The score increases by 10 points with each food item eaten, and the game's speed increases as the snake grows.